- $15.00 Individual
- $25.00 Family
- $25.00 Business/Organization
Send name and address with check in appropriate amount to:
Mayville Historical Society
P. O. Box 82
Mayville, WI 53050
Current members will receive the society’s quarterly newsletter.
Endowment Fund
The Mayville Historical Society is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization dedicated to the preservation of Mayville’s history. The Society established its endowment fund on March 6, 2000. The purpose of the fund is to provide a long-term source of income for maintaining the society’s facilities and preserving Mayville’s history.
Cash or securities designated for the society’s endowment fund are held in perpetuity. Only the income earned is spent on projects approved by the society’s board of directors.
The society needs another source of income to provide funds to maintain existing facilities, preserve artifacts and to display a variety of materials in a professional manner.
A local bank holds the funds. The society’s board of directors oversees the use of the income generated by the endowment fund.
The society has 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status. On receipt of a donation, a letter will acknowledge your generosity and will serve as proof of your gift for IRS purposes.
Your name will be held in confidence if you desire.
Of course!
Your immediate gift is important to the society in building our endowment fund.
We remind citizens to remember the society and the endowment fund today, in their wills and memorials tomorrow. Your gift continues to work year after year supporting the society. Your donation is not spent; it is held in perpetuity. Only the income from your gift is used for society projects.
At the entrance area of the museum, high quality wood plaques with
name plates recognize donors to the endowment fund.
There are three levels of recognition:
- Friends $100 – $1,000
- Patrons $1,100 – $24,000
- Founders $25,000 Plus
Your loved one’s or friends’ name can be added to the donor listing.
Looking to the future to preserve our past
Our Society’s Endowment Fund is a thoughtful way to honor family and friends. The Society’s recognition system will keep memories of special people alive for generations to come.

Donations to the Mayville Historical Society and its Endowment Fund are welcomed. See our Wish List for suggestions of needed items. .
Private Research
Individuals are welcome to do research using the Museums’s facilities, including:
- Tax Records – Mayville & some surrounding towns Plat Books
- Mayville area, 1873, 1899, 1910, 1940 to present
- Obituaries
- Photos of local people, places & events
- Current and historic files classified by categories.